My Journal

Tag: fate

Proving god doesn’t exist …?

Why is it …


Why is that some people seem to prefer the idea of there being no such thing as god?

Some people are willing to go to great lengths to prove in their minds, as well as prove to others that god does not exist. Fact is, nobody can answer the question does god exist. Yet, this does not stop people from all walks of life and of all levels of intelligence claiming that god is impossible. That god is for the delusional.


Really, why? I do not get it. Well, in part i do as i covered in my previous post. But still, god represents some form of purpose no? Without there being a god, without even the possibility what is our purpose? If everything is indeed an act of chance, if everything is just a series of accidents how does that make life feel better to you?

Why, seriously now why do some people so badly want to prove that god does not exist? How does that make you more comfortable with your existence? Or maybe these people are not happy on some level with their existence and want to bring that upon others? It will depend on the individual, their reasons for such an attitude.

Its a curious thought though at least for me, that some people so badly want god to be real that i think they are capable of forcing themselves to believe, others so badly want to prove that god does not exist that they delude themselves with logic and science. They hide their emotional response to god behind physics saying god is impossible, when in fact physics does not state that god is impossible.

It really all comes down to how you interpret god in my opinion. If you see god as a white man with a white beard in the clouds then yea, physics has ruined your belief, sorry. But if you interpret god as incomprehensible, as a creator perhaps in another dimension to our existence that  has determined the laws of physics with which rule over us, well, our current knowledge of the universe isn’t really getting in the way as of yet is it? But then its the as of yet bit which many atheists will use as further evidence, saying those of faith prey and hide in the ever decreasing gaps in our knowledge. But its not like that, its not hiding, not for everyone at least. Its more of an acknowledgment that we are small, that we are not god, we are not all knowing.

Claiming to be is ignorance.


The Woman …



Have you ever met someone that changed how you view the world, how you live, how you feel and how you think?

I used to see the world in black and white, i lived in a world covered in darkness and demons. There was but a star in the sky that gave me hope, it kept me from destroying myself. That star was, in fact, but a dream. It was not a reality, it was blind hope. I would hope for the sake of hoping, knowing that if you live without hope then you are already dead.

I didnt know myself, i just knew i had to keep on going, keep moving and follow my heart. I knew logic was the darkest path of all. I knew it would kill whatever was left of that burning light inside me. The part of me that was pure, the part that defined me as me.

Lost, confused and following a path laid before me. All i knew in my heart was that i had to keep following this path, i could not see in front of me and i dared not to look behind me.

I found myself distancing more and more, distancing from this world and becoming increasingly engrossed in my own. I was essentially creating my own reality.


Then …

Something changed one day, someone changed me.

I now felt purpose, the darkness with which surrounded me began to cower to the light. No demon would touch her for she was brighter than any star in the sky. But she was like me, we were lost and would one day lose ourselves to the darkness within us.

We rescued each other. I ask ….. was it fate?

We met at such a time in our lives that had it been a little sooner or a little later we likely would not have been. We found each other  under such unconventional circumstances and at exactly the right time in our lives, we had both come to crossroads with which there may have been no turning back. We found ourselves falling for each other when we were committed to another.

But in doing so, we found each other.
